Предлагаем подборку новых возможностей от Программы EU NEIGHBOURS для граждан Армении, Азербайджана, Беларуси, Грузии, Молдовы и Украины.
Предлагаются новые полностью оплачиваемые тренинги, в том числе тренинги для журналистов, работников гражданского сектора, юристов органов информации: Legal Training Programme for Journalists, civil society advocates and media lawyers и Online Course on Time Management Strategies for Project Managers.
- Работа, стажировки
Job Opportunity: Local Government and Civil Society Expert at the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) (Closing date: 31 March 2017)
Job Opportunity: Manager/Coordinator of the EU-financed Reform Support Team (RST) at the Ukrainian Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food (Closing date: 3 April 2017)
Job Opportunity: EU experts needed to train business support managers from Eastern Partnership countries (Closing date: 10 April 2017)
Job Opportunity: Scientific Programme Manager at the Council of Europe (Closing date: 10 April 2017)
Vacancies at EUAM Ukraine (Closing dates between 23 March and 8 April 2017)
Traineeships in EU Delegations
Traineeships at the Council of Europe (2017)
Sakharov Traineeships at the European Parliament
- Стипендии, аспирантские программы
8 Erasmus Mundus Scholarships - European Master in Global Studies (Closing date: 30 March 2017)
Alpbach Scholarship Programme – Become Part of Europe’s Festival of Ideas! (Closing date: 31 March 2017)
UNESCO & Poland co-sponsored Fellowships in the field of Science, Technology and Engineering (Closing date: 14 April 2017)
Call for Applications: The Einstein Fellowship 2018 (Closing date: 15 April 2017)
Scholarship programme to support Ukrainian students in Slovakia (Closing date: 25 April 2017)
Call for Applications: 2017 CEI Fellowship for Writers in Residence (Closing date: 30 April 2017)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2017 Competition (Closing date: 1 May 2017)
Call for Applications: 'Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development' – APPEAR (Closing date: 31 May 2017)
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P) (Closing date: 15 June 2017)
Master's and Doctoral Programmes at the Central European University
Max Weber Programme Fellowship at the European University Institute (EUI)
Online Master in Electoral Policy & Administration (Institute of Law, Politics and Development)
- Конференции и другие мероприятия
Call for 2017 International Neighbourhood Symposium (INS) (Closing date: 31 March 2017)
Call for Papers: International Workshop 'Civic Activism and Protest Culture in the Black Sea Countries' (Closing date: 15 April 2017)
Call for Proposals: World Forum for Democracy 2017 (Closing date: 30 April 2017)
LEAP Summit 2017 in Zagreb (Croatia) for young entrepreneurs, students, young professionals, NGO leaders and change-makers(Closing date: 11 May 2017)
- Учебные курсы и тренинги
Let's coordinate! - Training course for EVS organisations (Closing date: 31 March 2017)
Legal Training Programme for Journalists, civil society advocates and media lawyers from Central and Southeastern Europe (Closing date: 31 March 2017)
Call for Applications: Enter! Training for Youth Workers (Closing date: 3 April 2017)
Call for interest: European Union Visitors Programme 2018 (Closing date: 10 April 2017)
Free Online Course on Time Management Strategies for Project Management (Closing date: 23 April 2017)
Online Course: "EU policy and implementation: making Europe work!"
E-learning courses for Civil Society Organisations (Project Preparation and Management, Organisational Development, and Skills for Policy Dialogue)
Training Course: "Change management in youth NGOs" (Youth for Exchange and Understanding, YEU)
Online courses on knowledge about the European Union for European Neighbourhood
- Летние школы
Call for Applications: 16th Visegrad Summer School (Closing date: 31 March 2017)
Call for Applications: “International Summer School on Migration” in Georgia (Closing date: 31 March 2017)
Call for Applications: Visegrad Summer School (Closing date: 31 March 2017)
Summer School: “Democratic innovations in Europe and in the European Union” (Closing date: 1 April 2017)
News Literacy Summer Institute in Poznań 2017 (Closing date: 1 April 2017)
Georg Arnhold International Summer School on Education in Emergencies (EiE) (Closing date: 1 April 2017)
Call for Applications: Bridge Building Summer School on Social Welfare in Vienna, Austria (Closing date: 7 April 2017)
Summer School 'Connecting (to) Histories' in Lviv, Ukraine (Closing date: 19 April 2017)
VU Amsterdam Summer School in Twin Research and Genetics (Closing date: 1 May 2017)
Call for Applications: Transparency International School on Integrity (Closing date: 1 May 2017)
Summer School: "National Minorities and Border Regions" in Flensburg, Germany (Closing date: 15 May 2017)
Summer Volunteer Programme 2017 in Lisbon, Portugal (Closing date: 23 July 2017)
Summer School for Journalists and Media Practitioners: “Journalism in the Digital Age”
- Конкурсы и призы
Open Society Foundations 'Civil Society Scholar Awards' (31 March 2017)
Participate in the #EUaroundU – Tell your story contest and win a trip to Europe! (Closing date: 31 March 2017)
Essay Prize Competition for young scholars (31 March 2017)
6th Bi-annual International European Women’s Invention, Innovation & Enterprise Network (Closing date: 1 April 2017)
Student Photo Competition: Europe's future is... (Closing date: 3 April 2017)
30th Anniversary Erasmus+ Competition: Share your story! (Closing date: 15 April 2017)
European eTwinning Prize Competitition (open for pupils age 4-19 in different categories)
"EU: choice of the young generation of Ukraine" - Online quizzes, competitions & events
- Прием проектных заявок
Call for Applications: regional project “Social Workers In Collaboration for Social Change in Eastern Neighbourhood Countries” (Closing date: 31 March 2017)
Call for tenders: development of the Council of Europe e-learning platform on Good Governance at Local Level (Closing date: 31 March 2017)
Call for Proposals: Funding opportunity for online promotion of European works (Closing date: 6 April 2017)
Call for Proposals: Funding opportunity for cultural & creative European platforms (Closing date: 6 April 2017)
Call for Proposals: Funding opportunity for Film Festivals (Closing date: 27 April 2017)
Call for Proposals: Funding opportunity for TV Programming of European Audiovisual Works (Closing date: 30 May 2017)
Call for Proposals: “Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme" (Closing date: 31 May 2017)
Call for Proposals: Funding opportunity for distribution of European Films (Closing date: 14 June 2017)
Call for Proposals: Erasmus+ Programme 2017 (Various closing dates from February to October 2017)
Call for Proposals: “Support to implementation of National Qualifications Framework in Azerbaijan” (forecast)
Call for Proposals: “EU4Youth Coordination” (forecast)
- Прочее
Call for Volunteers: "Let's make young people aware about Europe and interculturalism" (Closing date: 3 April 2017)
OSCE Call for Submissions: 2016 Hate Incidents (Closing date: 30 April 2017)
Call for Papers: 'East-Central Europe vis-a-vis Global Challenges' for the Centre for East European Studies (Closing date: 15 May 2017)
Share your ideas to shape the future of Europe!
"EU: choice of the young generation of Ukraine" - Online quizzes, competitions & events
Источник - ngo.by