EU NEIGHBOURS east предлагает новые возможности для граждан Армении, Азербайджана, Беларуси, Грузии, Республики Молдова и Украины.
- Работа, стажировки, предложения для волонтеров
Job Opportunity: EU4Energy Project Gas Specialist (Closing date: 26 February 2018)
Internship in the Communication and Media Relations Section of the OSCE in Vienna (Closing date: 27 February 2018)
Vacancy: UNFPA Programme Analyst on Youth in Moldova (Closing date: 1 March 2018)
EU4Energy Internship Opportunity (Closing date: 1 March 2018)
Vacancies at the Council of Europe Development Bank in Paris (Closing date: 4 March 2018)
Job Opportunity: Finance and Contracts Assistant at the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan (Closing date: 5 March 2018)
Volunteering Opportunity in Ukraine: GoCamps English summer camps (Closing date: 15 July 2018)
Traineeships at the European Commission (Blue Book Traineeship)
Traineeships in EU Delegations
Traineeships at the European Parliament
- Стипендии, аспирантские программы
Scholarship Program for Young Scholars (University of Warsaw) (Closing date: 1 March 2018)
Scholarship Programme of the Polish Government for Young Academicians (Closing date: 1 March 2018)
Call for applications: Prague Civil Society Centre Fellowship Programme (Closing date: 10 March 2018)
Visegrad Scholarship Programme for citizens of the Eastern Partnership countries (Closing date: 15 March 2018)
Call for Participants: 2018 Eastern Partnership research collaborations (Closing date: 16 March 2018)
Alpbach Scholarship Programme – Become Part of Europe’s Festival of Ideas! (Closing date: 30 March 2018)
Master's and Doctoral Programmes at the Central European University
Max Weber Programme Fellowship at the European University Institute (EUI)
Online Master in Electoral Policy & Administration (Institute of Law, Politics and Development)
- Конференции и другие мероприятия
Seminar "Young people's citizenship and Europe: which ways forward?" in Strasbourg(Closing date: 27 February 2018)
Call for Applications: European Development Days (EDD) 2018 Young Leaders Programme(Closing date: 2 March 2018)
KAS-Martens Centre Discussion Club for young Belarusians (Closing date: 8 March 2018)
Seminar "Strengthening Culture of Peace" in Tbilisi, Georgia (Closing date: 10 March 2018)
Call for Applications: 6th edition of the Warsaw Euro-Atlantic Summer Academy (WEASA)(Closing date: 11 March 2018)
- Конкурсы
Participate in the 2nd edition of the #EUFilmContest (Closing date: 18 March 2018)
Test your knowledge and win prizes: 4th Euroquiz in Ukraine (Closing date: 30 April 2018)
Open Call: ADAMI Media Prize for Cultural Diversity in Eastern Europe (Closing date: 1 October 2018)
- Тренинги, летние школы, онлайн-курсы r
Call for Participants: “Everyone Matters! Development of Inclusive and Participatory Youth Work Practices in Eastern Partnership countries” in Yerevan (Closing date: 25 February 2018)
Training on gender equality in Azerbaijan (Closing date: 2 March 2018)
CLIM@: new funding opportunities for sustainable energy and resource efficiency (Closing date: 12 March 2018)
Zurich Summer School for Women in Political Methodology (Closing date: 16 March 2018)
Energy Community Summer School 2018 (Closing date: 31 March 2018)
Cross-Border Cooperation online learning platform
Massive Open Online Course on “Erasmus+ Funding Opportunities for Youth”
Online Course: "EU policy and implementation: making Europe work!"
E-learning courses for Civil Society Organisations (Project Preparation and Management, Organisational Development, and Skills for Policy Dialogue)
Online courses on knowledge about the European Union for European Neighbourhood
Free Online Course "People and Government" for young Ukrainians
- Прием проектных предложений
Call for Proposals: Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Youth 2018 (Closing date: 8 March 2018)
Call for Implementing Partner: Development of online platform and training curricula for human rights defenders (OSCE) (Closing date: 5 March 2018)
CLIM@: new funding opportunities for sustainable energy and resource efficiency (Closing date: 15 April 2018)
Call for Proposals: EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation (Closing date: 1 July 2018)
Call for Proposals: Erasmus+ Programme 2018 (various closing date until 31 October 2018)
Call for Applications: Travel fund for peacebuilding activities between Armenians and Azerbaijanis (Closing date: July 2019)
Horizon 2020: new funding opportunities for projects in the energy efficiency field (Closing date: 2019)